Thursday, April 2, 2009


Only the lowly or the those who are too engrossed about themselves would feel so much rage when reading this..or any other similar posts ofcourse
You see some people simply think they were born goddesses they think so hard enough about it, it goes right into their brains completely forgetting the essentials and what should and ought to matter.. that which comes from within... No amount of cover-ups, make-up could compensate for a bad attitude that makes lard easier to swallow. A stinky garbage would make a better company and is much more bearable to keep than the company of people who are too engrossed in the past, stuck up in the present or uncertain about their future.

True beauty comes from within.. and its essence and aura is seen from the outside.. either from the very source of goodness or from those whose lives have been touched. It is such a pity for one who carry a bunch of hatred from the past and up to the present..any and all actions will always speak of vengeance. all words would be unkind, harsh and more often than not vested with ill feelings. In all likelihood, the aura and energy flowing from that person will always be negative and it will always show. No matter how one projects to the whole world a much acclaimed happiness, the hatred and unresolved issues will always consume the person whole and it will always the end, that person will never be happy.

Not all people are born pretty or lovely. But everyone is born with a free will and sound mind to choose and shape ones attitude. One is not unfortunate to be born without the looks.. what makes it unfortunate for that person is the negative aura that flows from the inside..this time it does not cover-up anything because no matter what, it will always show.

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