Tuesday, April 28, 2009

my BlackBerry

Life is so full of surprises! Last night, Dwight dropped by the house on his way to his study sessions. I did not expect to see him that night becoz i know he has loads to read but there he was at my doorstep with a box... inside is a red BlackBerry Curve smartphone. I've always wanted one ever since Dwight had two of it. My phones are functional, they let me work my sked and do wi-fi, but this new BlackBerry does more and I love it.. :)

Friday, April 17, 2009


The video footage showing how the PNPs have inhumanely mishandled the case of Ted Failon seemed like a ghost from the Martial Law past that has come to haunt poor Juan dela Cruz all over again. If the police were too careless and heartless in conducting themselves in this case which involves a famous media person in a public place where all cameras on practically all TV Networks and print media have glued its eyes on, then just like in the horror movies.. "BE AFRAID..BE VERY AFRAID" because only God knows what they are capable of doing to an ordinary blue collared Juan who has been charged (take note, charged and not convicted) of a measly crime.
The police have repeatedly claimed that Ted Failon et.al are suspects for Obstruction of Justice. Truth be told, i am more inclined to rule that the case is one of suicide than foul play or murder/parricide/homicide.

P.D. 1829 or Obstruction of Justice is committed when a person who knowingly or willfully obstructs, impedes, frustrates or delays the apprehension of suspects and the investigation and prosecution of criminal cases by committing any of the following acts:

(a) Preventing witnesses from testifying in any criminal proceeding or from reporting the commission of any offense or the identity of any offender/s by means of bribery, misrepresentation, deceit, intimidation, force or threats;

(b) Altering, destroying, suppressing or concealing any paper, record, document, or object with intent to impair its verity, authenticity, legibility, availability, or admissibility as evidence in any investigation of or official proceedings in criminal cases, or to be used in the investigation of, or official proceedings in, criminal cases;

From the foregoing, it is quiet obvious that, intent must be present for such crime to be committed. It makes me wonder why Ted Failon and the rest of the his in-laws are already being arrested as if they have committed a heinous crime tantamount to threatening national safety and security when all that the police could pin them down for was their failure to allegedly report the incident for the sole reason that they have heeded to their human instinct which is to save the life a person, a loved one.

The incident at the hospital showed patent and gross violation of fundamental human rights which should be condemned to the highest degree! I could not fathom what could have been in the minds and hearts of the police when they insisted on taking Ted Failon and his in-laws who had nothing else in mind at those moment but the recovery of their beloved who was in critical condition. I say it is stupid for any person especially the police to recommend and even insist on letting a patient whose life is extended by machines with all the tubes attached to her body be made to undergo a painful not to mention outdated paraffin test. If one is not stupid for thinking such is alright then i say he is a complete idiot. To make matters worse, the police' insensitivity to insist and take into custody the siblings of Trinidad Entong for questioning at a time when their sister is fighting for her life in the ICU at the New Era Hospital was far from lawless and arbitrary, it was completely barbaric. Until the police can completely come up with its own theory and insist that the same is not suicide then there is no crime committed yet, so what is obstructed there?

Ironic as it may be but we no longer feel safe under the cudgels of the persons tasked to protect and uphold our safety. While the police continue to insist on pressing charges against the Failons for Obstruction of Justice in accordance to their own definition and not what the law actually provides, the higher authorities ought to do something. The video footages clearly showed how injustice was administered and until such time when the punishment is imposed upon the very last person who had a hand in the inhuman treatment of the Failons...then we do not need to watch scary movies anymore, we simply open our TV, watch the news and Be afraid..be very afraid..

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


PREJUDICE - The word prejudice refers to prejudgment: making a decision about, before becoming aware of the relevant facts of, a case or event. Initially this was referred to making a judgment of a person based on that person's race, religion, class, etcetera, before receiving information relevant to the particular issue on which the judgment is being made...

I would be a hypocrite if i say that i am not guilty of pre-judging other people just like when i saw the video of Susan Boyle in Britain's got talent show. Susan Boyle is a 47 year old brit who is unemployed. She auditioned just like the others and came on stage flabby, shaggy and old. At first i thought she was going to make fun of herself and pitied her. The look on Simon Cowell's face and the audience confirmed that i thought the same way they did..waste of time..pity how people would allow themselves to be humiliated on national, make that international television just to get a few seconds of fame.
But when she began to sing, I was stunned the moment the first note came from her angelic and close to perfect voice! She sang the song better than any singer in Les Miserables' I dream a dream. At the end of the video stream, i was speechless and ashamed of myself for judging her. Underneath that flabby and shaggy old lady was a beautiful voice.. a precious gift truly her own.. And does she have talent? Oh yes, she does indeed. In fact it is far better than most skinny and sexy celebrity we know.

The incident with Susan Boyle is a concrete example of how prejudicial this world is. And she is a constant reminder to us all that we should not judge people right away most especially on the basis of looks or appearance. A crumpled paper package may contain the most precious gem. And we will never know what is inside unless we open it. It takes a while to know and appreciate it but only then can we pass judgment.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


I have just finished my morning prayer today and a verse in today's 1st reading has caught me "THE LORD HAS GIVEN ME THE TONGUE OF A TEACHER THAT I MAY KNOW HOW TO SUSTAIN THE WEARY WITH A WORD. Isaiah 50:4"

Today, exactly 4 years ago April 8, 2005, was POPE JOHN Paul II's interment. The reason why i will never forget that day was because it was also the very same day my Bar Examination result was released. It was perhaps the most horrifying day of my life which ended to be the most wonderful day of all as well. We were told that the results would be released at 4PM that day since decoding began at 12N. The Pope's interment ceremony began at 12N and he was to be placed in the catacomb at exactly 4PM. At exactly 12N and every hour thereafter, i was down on my knees praying the rosary, at about 7:10PM i received a call from my Tita Cora, who was so happy to tell me that i passed. After confirming with my friend Narlette who was working at the SC then, i was so consumed with emotion that i didn't know what to do. After pausing for a moment, i once again lit a candle in my altar, bent down on my knees to thank the Lord for granting my heart's desire. It was during that time when i prayed for Him to use me and the gift He has given me. I officially became a lawyer in May, 2005. When i came back, i was immediately offered the position as Assistant Dean of USJ-R.
The verse i quoted really moved me. Last night, i fell asleep thinking about my students who did not make it to last year's bar. I realized i have only texted a few of them (the ones in my phone book) to say comforting words of God's plan, encouragement and assurance that they must never give up and should continue to believe that they can make it. God has put me in this position for a reason and the verse reminded me of my role as a teacher. And so today and for the rest of the Holy Week, i will commit myself to text my students and friends, for as what Mother Teresa has said,
“Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.”

May we always learn to say a kind word or two to anyone we meet today and for the rest of our lives because
true greatness lies in being kind, the truest wisdom in a happy mind.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Thoughts About the Bar Exam

The results of the 2008 Bar Examination has just been released. Frankly the anxiety that I felt last April 3, 2009 was nothing compared to what i felt way back April 8, 2005 when i waited for my own results. Just when i thought last year's results put thousands of lawyer wannabes dream into oblivion, this year's Bar seem to have brought back the pain, trauma and stigma of last year. Since 2005, this stigma and anxiety attack has been happening to me every year and this will have to continue for quiet sometime, until further notice (i.e. change of career path)
Each year, there are 3 persons involved..and below are my thoughts for them


- Congratulations. You have made it, among the thousands of hopefuls you belong to the chosen few who have pleased the 8 gods of the exam and earned their approval to be part of the legal profession. You have earned your keep and proved to be worth the title "ATTY." before your name

- Be thankful to those helped you, who prayed for you, supported you and believed in you. You may have taken the examination alone, but you did not get there on your own. Learn to look back to where you come from, go back to your roots and say a word of gratitude to those who have made it easy for you

- Learn to be humble even though your heart is bursting with victory and happiness. Never let your success get to your system, just because you are a lawyer, does not make you any better than the rest of mankind

- Live by your oath for the rest of your life. Good luck and God bless, because you will still need it.

- Pay it forward and welcome to IBP CEBU CITY :)


- It may be painful and frustrating..but just because it is, it does not mean it should be. We do not shout ADELANTE! for nothing, we say it because we mean it.. Go on and move forward. Take it again.

- Do not be discouraged with failure, that is part of life and it makes you savor the sweetness of victory that awaits you.

- Just as it is said in the book Twelfth Angel by Og Mandino, "never, never, never, never, never give up!" so must you

- God has a plan for you.. you just have to believe and trust.

- Call me or see me in skul (USJR Graduate or Recoletos Reviewee or anyone reading this). Let me know how we can help you. I would be glad to help you.


- Draw inspiration from the success of those who came before you. Remember, that if they can do it, so can you.

- The results have may put added pressure on you, but you just have to deal with it. Remember always that you draw your own destiny.

- Keep the faith and continue to be prayerful. Ask anyone who passed, and they will always tell you to pray... and so pray you must.

- Good luck and God Bless.. you will soon be a lawyer. And so next year, please refer to item (1)

One FiNE DaY in tHE IsLAnD oF PAnDaNoN

I was trying to think of a nice place to go this summer. I took out the idea of going out of the country this year considering the crisis and the uncertain economy which could very well affect legal practice. There's also work to consider and the boyfriend's Bar examinations.
I think it was two weeks ago that i was able to browse through the very nice photos of Angel Selma Llaban in Facebook and i couldn't help but ask her where the photos were taken.. it were pictures of an island with fine white sand, clear beach water with less people. And so she told me they went to Pandanon Island which is an hour's ride from Hilton.
Determined to enjoy summer this year in a least costly manner, i rounded up my lawyer friends who all agreed to see the island with me. Being the organizer, i had to browse through the web and check out feedbacks and write-ups about Pandanon. Unfortunately, days before the scheduled trip, my friends had to cancel due to work. Not allowing anything to dampen my summer mood, i texted the boyfriend's cousin who needed to get away from her brokenhearted shell and bounce back from an ended relationship. With her friends and family in tow, the boyfriend and his family in tow and my bestfriend, i just had a great summer, sunny day in the Island Of Pandanon.
For those of you who have heard about it and would like to go, here are some tips and info for a hassle free and fun time in Pandanon..for those you who havent, here are reasons why you should be intrigued.

-Pandanon Island is part of Getafe, Bohol but it is nearer Cebu and is often mistaken to be part of Olanggo Island
-It is about an hour to 1 1/2 hour boat ride from Hilton
- Browsing through the internet, i learned that boat fares range between P3,000 to P3,500 for 12-20pax capacity BUT luckily, we were able to get a 20 seater boat for only P2,000.. look for Don2x who sails the boat named "LUCI 20"
- There are also packages and island tours that comes with free towels, food etc... you can avail of it as well but i actually do not recommend it
-If you get easily get seasick, then take bonamine before the boat ride, waves can be big even on a clear day considering that its an open sea ride already
- You can bring cooked food or you may opt to do the grilling there
- Bring your own drinking water.. Pandanon Island does not have clean drinking water
-Entrance fee is P150.00 (effective April 1, 2009) and cottage is P200.00 per hut
- Bring sunblock, the island is so open and its very hot..but it is windy
-Pandanon Island is a sand bar and is inhabited by only a few people. It is clean and unexploited by man and so be sure to clean up before leaving and do not leave your trash anywhere

Pandanon Island is one of Philippines' pride and im so happy to have spent my summer there this year.. who needs to go abroad when you can relax here in our very own. Have a great summer everyone!

Thursday, April 2, 2009


Only the lowly or the those who are too engrossed about themselves would feel so much rage when reading this..or any other similar posts ofcourse
You see some people simply think they were born goddesses they think so hard enough about it, it goes right into their brains completely forgetting the essentials and what should and ought to matter.. that which comes from within... No amount of cover-ups, make-up could compensate for a bad attitude that makes lard easier to swallow. A stinky garbage would make a better company and is much more bearable to keep than the company of people who are too engrossed in the past, stuck up in the present or uncertain about their future.

True beauty comes from within.. and its essence and aura is seen from the outside.. either from the very source of goodness or from those whose lives have been touched. It is such a pity for one who carry a bunch of hatred from the past and up to the present..any and all actions will always speak of vengeance. all words would be unkind, harsh and more often than not vested with ill feelings. In all likelihood, the aura and energy flowing from that person will always be negative and it will always show. No matter how one projects to the whole world a much acclaimed happiness, the hatred and unresolved issues will always consume the person whole and it will always show..in the end, that person will never be happy.

Not all people are born pretty or lovely. But everyone is born with a free will and sound mind to choose and shape ones attitude. One is not unfortunate to be born without the looks.. what makes it unfortunate for that person is the negative aura that flows from the inside..this time it does not cover-up anything because no matter what, it will always show.