The rainy season has started to make its presence known and we officially bid good bye to summer and the scorching heat of sun. We now welcome the rain and often wish it were summer again..hehe. And so before we start to bring out those jackets and coats, I'd like to take a look at what i did last summer..
Well for starters, i was legal panel for a candidate whose passion to serve the 6th District of Cebu has beyond reproach.. and the people know it, that's why Gabriel Luis "LUIGI" Quisumbing won by an overwhelming margin. Worked with equally passionate lawyers, now friends in the profession.. can't wait for 2013!
Became a big sister to PUNLA Scholars of Norkis who were assigned at the Legal Office. A bunch of young kids all too excited to go to college at the same time enjoying a lawyers work.. if only they knew about the real deal..they'd think twice of becoming one someday..but i would not mind calling them panyeros. Oh and we went to the beach to celebrate the win for Luigi..they shared mine and Weng's sleepless nights.. and so I hope to see them kids back next summer..

Went to the beach with D and his family.. our first summer outing this year.. love love love :)

Island Hopping with my SJA grade School Batch 1990 classmates... fun and sun

Went to Balamban and dared to try the Zipline at K33.. this was exactly a week before the sad tragedy of the Iranians.. glad we all came back safely and in one piece..never mind the fact that my face turned pale as they put on the harness and that my knees were wobbly after crossing and my lungs were about to pop from the climb back... didnt know which one actually made me feel like dying.. the zipline or steep climb up.. Had the best buddies in tow and it was a different that i've tried it ok already.. :)

finally, finally as in finally went to the sand bar in Negros with my family and had a mini Tantengco Reunion. We drove all the way to Bais for the weekend and just simply enjoyed a simple time with my simple family and had the BESt time ever!

And so that was my summer.. now that it has officially ended, I can't wait for summer again but for now, I'd like to savor some cool and refreshing moments with the rain.. :)
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