Much to my dismay as a constituent of this beloved Republic and shame as a Filipino, Gloria Macapagal Arroyo had the gall to file her certificate of candidacy as member of Congress. I have resigned to the idea that I will have to bear with a President who is as heartless as she is greedy for power, as corrupt as she commits all forms of blunder. I figured it will only be six months more until I will see the dawn of the new day for this country. But lo and behold! She clings like monkey to her post! Now wasn't that part of her SONA?
Whether or not she can run can be addressed in two ways. First, in accordance to the laws of man and Second, based on the ordinance of reason compounded from moral values in recognizance to a higher form of being.
The laws of man is not perfect and yet this is the instrument by which every sovereign is assured of a just and orderly government. Reigning supreme in the Philippines is our 1987 Constitution under which law, the President is disqualified from seeking any reelection which by definition clearly means running for the same office. Obviously, Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo is not seeking for reelection but as member of Congress. Absent any of the disqualifications for one to become congressman, Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo may thus, run for Congress.
Looking at this issue on a more wider perspective and taking into consideration the wisdom of the law as well the moral, ethical and Filipino traditional values, Gloria Macapagal Arroyo can not and should not run for any other office after her term as President of the Republic. To be President of the Republic is a position that requires utmost dignity which must be wielded by someone with probity at all times even after serving his/her term of office. Upon assumption of office, the Chief Executive has six (6) years to serve the Filipino people and realize his/her vision for the country after which she should pass it on to another person who so rightfully deserves to serve as well. In the case of Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo she had nine (9) years. Nine (9) years to prove her worth but patently failed. Nine (9) years of growing a deaf ear from all the clamor and protest from an obviously dismayed constituent. And despite serving for a long period of time, she still had the nerve to say she is not ready to step down from public office. She was supposed to have reached her peak, the twilight years of her public service after achieving the highest position of the land and yet she is willing to sell herself low and short if only to stick like glue to fame and power. If that is not lack of self worth and delicadeza then I do not know what else to call it.
We do not need a law in order to know that Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo could not and should not run for reelection or any other elective position. For just as man is an imperfect being creating an imperfect law, there is a higher form of law which although unwritten exists right within in the confines of natural law and the dictates of our conscience. For what is legal may not always be right and moral.
Man being a rational being is given a wide latitude of knowing what is right from wrong, and clearly Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo either refuses to see what is right or is just too desperate to cover up her wrong.
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