The TV Commercials these days is like a war between the Pinoy Politicos who seem to parade their achievements, showing to poor Juan that they are the popular choice of their paid extras. That they are the answer to the 90 million Filipinos who are growing by the dozen and by the day and they smile to every crowd, hugging even the most insignificant person on screen. But i bet you if i ask them right now the names of those persons, they do not even know them. Pity that the ever hungry Pinoy would readily accept a measly sum just to get a moment of fame in the silver screen with their benefactor who could care less about their names much more their plight, all because the money they get can feed their empty stomachs. Funny how our Politicians whose statement of assets and liabilities do not seem to coincide with their lifestyle are racing and screaming on television that they too were as poor as a rat, that at some point like them, they too have nothing to eat. Amazing how they claim to be the answer to this country's poverty and that they bring solution as to how we can pay our debts when they are already wasting millions from these advertisements while the money could have been used to help poor Juan.
This is Philippine Politics ladies and gentlemen..I say IS because this does not necessarily have to be the Philippine Politics tomorrow. Something must and can be done. It is time we take a stand on national issues. A good politician does not have to rant about what he has done, his deeds will echo it for him.. It time to vote..not just vote but LET'S ROCK THE VOTE!
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