Friday, April 17, 2009


The video footage showing how the PNPs have inhumanely mishandled the case of Ted Failon seemed like a ghost from the Martial Law past that has come to haunt poor Juan dela Cruz all over again. If the police were too careless and heartless in conducting themselves in this case which involves a famous media person in a public place where all cameras on practically all TV Networks and print media have glued its eyes on, then just like in the horror movies.. "BE AFRAID..BE VERY AFRAID" because only God knows what they are capable of doing to an ordinary blue collared Juan who has been charged (take note, charged and not convicted) of a measly crime.
The police have repeatedly claimed that Ted Failon are suspects for Obstruction of Justice. Truth be told, i am more inclined to rule that the case is one of suicide than foul play or murder/parricide/homicide.

P.D. 1829 or Obstruction of Justice is committed when a person who knowingly or willfully obstructs, impedes, frustrates or delays the apprehension of suspects and the investigation and prosecution of criminal cases by committing any of the following acts:

(a) Preventing witnesses from testifying in any criminal proceeding or from reporting the commission of any offense or the identity of any offender/s by means of bribery, misrepresentation, deceit, intimidation, force or threats;

(b) Altering, destroying, suppressing or concealing any paper, record, document, or object with intent to impair its verity, authenticity, legibility, availability, or admissibility as evidence in any investigation of or official proceedings in criminal cases, or to be used in the investigation of, or official proceedings in, criminal cases;

From the foregoing, it is quiet obvious that, intent must be present for such crime to be committed. It makes me wonder why Ted Failon and the rest of the his in-laws are already being arrested as if they have committed a heinous crime tantamount to threatening national safety and security when all that the police could pin them down for was their failure to allegedly report the incident for the sole reason that they have heeded to their human instinct which is to save the life a person, a loved one.

The incident at the hospital showed patent and gross violation of fundamental human rights which should be condemned to the highest degree! I could not fathom what could have been in the minds and hearts of the police when they insisted on taking Ted Failon and his in-laws who had nothing else in mind at those moment but the recovery of their beloved who was in critical condition. I say it is stupid for any person especially the police to recommend and even insist on letting a patient whose life is extended by machines with all the tubes attached to her body be made to undergo a painful not to mention outdated paraffin test. If one is not stupid for thinking such is alright then i say he is a complete idiot. To make matters worse, the police' insensitivity to insist and take into custody the siblings of Trinidad Entong for questioning at a time when their sister is fighting for her life in the ICU at the New Era Hospital was far from lawless and arbitrary, it was completely barbaric. Until the police can completely come up with its own theory and insist that the same is not suicide then there is no crime committed yet, so what is obstructed there?

Ironic as it may be but we no longer feel safe under the cudgels of the persons tasked to protect and uphold our safety. While the police continue to insist on pressing charges against the Failons for Obstruction of Justice in accordance to their own definition and not what the law actually provides, the higher authorities ought to do something. The video footages clearly showed how injustice was administered and until such time when the punishment is imposed upon the very last person who had a hand in the inhuman treatment of the Failons...then we do not need to watch scary movies anymore, we simply open our TV, watch the news and Be very afraid..

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