LEgAL FeTisH, GlitZ n' two cents worth
Putting into writing my thoughts, views and feelings over something or someone into one space It may just be two cents worth but these are vintage, antique, precious and priceless thoughts that when put together would create a collage of brilliant ideas incapable of pecuniary estimation...
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
It's been a while..
So I guess, I will try to update this site again with my random thoughts and perhaps post some photos. Where to start? That is the question. Do i pick up from where I left off or do I start with the ones most vivid to me? Hmmmm.. me thinks there is a lot of catching up to do but some parts need to be erased and forgotten. I will make mention of the memories and the lessons learned of my so called life soon but not now.
It's been a while and I need to gather my thoughts and pick up some pieces to create a tapestry of this so called blog.. :)
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
my Intangible wish list this holiday

1. I wish for good health for my family especially my mom. Atleast I wish for her to be more conscious of what she eats and when she eats it.
2. I wish for protection and safety of my family wherever we are especially my big brother who has to be far far away for work and my sister who travels often.
3. I wish for more success in our career and that we may be able to value the fruits of our labor and give more to those who need our help.
4. I wish that I would be a better person, better sister and daughter, teacher, dean, lawyer and friend. As the new year comes I wish to be able to touch more lives and become an instrument of change.
5. I wish for this country to be better. For its people to take more pride in our culture, race, heritage and our country as a whole. I wish for the the government officials to be more responsible, sincere, honest and conscientious.
6. I wish for the world to be at peace; for countries to be conscious and respectful of each others existence
7. I wish for justice to all victims of hate, war and violence. I also wish for forgiveness, repentance and change to all perpetrators.
8. I wish for a greener and cleaner earth and I wish to be able to see mother nature's endless bounty not its rage
9. I wish for children to be educated and for them to value education
10. I wish that we will be more grateful and thankful for all the good things and be more positive in anything that we do or say.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
My letter to the Philippine Star
I felt it right to speak my mind after reading this article in the Philippine Star, is my email to the editor
I read online the article, "Fraternity Plotted Bar Grenade Attack for weeks" which was published in the November 6, 2010 issue of the Philippine Star. As Assistant Dean of the University of San Jose Recoletos School of Law in Cebu and one of Jed Lazaga's Professors and counsel, allow me to comment and share my personal views on the said article especially that there was a mention of an "elected official from the Visayas" who refused to reveal himself yet eagerly disclosed a very controversial matter before the media for the entire nation to read.
Beforehand, I would like to point out that despite the poor attempt to maintain anonymity, the identity of this "elected official from the Visayas" is crystal clear to me. Suffice it to say that he is a chief executive of a highly urbanized local government unit and a member of the Philippine Bar.
Allow me to quote a very disturbing statement in the article, " The witness, an elected official in the Visayas who refused to be named because he does not want to be involved in the ongoing investigation, said he was told on the second Sunday of the exams about the supposed plan of the fraternity.
“I was told they would create trouble against their known arch rival fraternity during the salubong. It was really intended on the last day of the exams,” he told The STAR in an interview."
I find it disturbing because, if at all he knew about the alleged plan to be staged specifically on the day of the “salubong” then why did he not bother to warn any of the law schools in Cebu about it considering the gravity of the plot? As an elected official, I believe he should have taken the cudgels to warn the Manila Police, the Supreme Court, the Philippine Association of Law Schools and Cebu law schools. Perhaps it would have changed the fate of the 47 victims, it may have stopped the bomber from throwing it amongst the crowd comprised mostly of law students from San Beda College, the alma mater of the elected government official. Most of all, Jed Lazaga would not have suffered sever trauma from the unfortunate and unfair implication as suspect. The name of the University of San Jose Recoletos and the Cebuanos would not have been tarnished. He said he knew it ahead of time, which supposedly gave him ample time to do what is right and incumbent upon him as a citizen, a member of the Bar and as a public servant.
If at all this “elected government official from the Visayas” knew about the plan weeks before, then I find it equally disturbing for him to brave the streets of Taft Avenue by the De LaSalle University area knowing that at any given moment, in an unknown place and time the supposed plan will materialize.
The article further stated, “The official joined the Bar operations because his son took the exams. He said upon learning about the plan ahead of time, he and his companions opted to stay at the other gate, away from the crowd during the salubong.” With all due respect, the place where the “elected government official from the Visayas” waited for his son was NOT the other gate but it was the main gate where most of the barristers would enter and exit. This is the area beside McDonalds. This is specifically the place the where the “salubong” was held and the area where the bomb exploded. The other side of the gate is the one near the EGI Taft Tower Condominium.
Apart from finding it disturbing, I find it disappointing. If this “elected government official from the Visayas” knew about the plan of the fraternity and which fraternity was responsible, then he should have come to the defense of Jed Lazaga, a Cebuano by revealing this useful piece of information. That way, the name of Jed Lazaga would have been cleared in no time and the investigation would not have lagged to about a month.
As a trusted public servant, agent of the court and advocate of law and justice this “elected government official from the Visayas” has deviated from the basic tenets of social responsibility which is a key element of good governance. If he does not want to be involved in the investigation then why reveal such statement? Why only now when 47 lives have suffered, an innocent is a victim of injustice, an institution’s name is tarnished and the Cebuano’s reputation has been equated as a bomber?
Suffice it to say that I have nothing personal against this “elected government official from the Visayas”. I am just dismayed over this revelation. I do not see any sincere motive other than to gain publicity as if his present stint over controversial issues in his local government unit and some singing engagements are not enough. If he had no intentions of helping then he could have just come clean by keeping quiet and then deal with his conscience later on.
I hope this will merit a page in your paper as part of our freedom to react and reply. Thank you and best regards.
Very truly yours,
Assistant Dean, USJR School of Law
Sunday, October 17, 2010
SaFe HaVeN

After everything that has happened the the past weeks, I am finally back in my sanctuary and decided to update my blog.
The past days made me realize how the tough the world is and that there are essential things though not seen, give us reasons to fight, love, live, believe and hope.
I went to Fully booked with D and Janet to check on books and knew i made the right decision of going the moment i got hold of my favorite author, Nicholas Sparks' new book entitled "Safe Haven". The story revolves around Katie who ran away from a past-present and wanted to be a new person in a different place hoping to start a new life. As she tries to shut a past, she finds herself opening up to someone who helps her confront the trauma. Under the solace of someone who truly cares about her, she takes courage to face reality and confront her fear.
As i said a while ago, it is a tough world out there. The past weeks, i have come to realize that evil people do exist and that they are willing to trade their souls to put a good person down. The moment we step out of the house we become a walking prey and once we get bound by the dark force we may be consumed and just totally falter...
...Or not, The past weeks i have also come to realize that despite the cruelties and the evil forces that ply around the streets, good people do exist. More often, they come when you least expect them to but always in time. And it is from them that you gather the strength to move forward without fear because you know that they are with you.
The past weeks I have realized that no matter how cruel this world may be, for as long you abide by what is just and true, the universe will conspire with all the other forces to unravel the tangles and turn a seemingly long and dark night into bright new morning.
And for the past weeks I have realized that at the end of the day, our safest haven is love because with it comes faith, hope and trust. Faith, that good will always prevail. Hope that this world will be a better place, soon. Trust, that God will reward and protect the righteous and the just.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
One of the Chosen Few

In college, I'd see him in school and most often at the cemetery during All Saint's Day when he would be with the priests for mass. When I became I lawyer, I ran into him during the May 2007 elections where he volunteered as CIMPEL and i served as Legal Panel.
This year, our batch in elementary rekindled our friendship and I have come to be in touch with Charles again..

And just last June, he is now REV. FR. CHARLES LOUIS N. JAYME...
not all people have been blessed to have a friend like him.. me and the rest of my batch are.. but the funny thing is underneath the sacred robe, is the same Cha-cha we have come to know and that will not spare him from bringing the cooler or passing on a glass with ice for us..
He has chosen a path not many people are privileged to take..many are called but few are chosen but he sure is one of them.. God Bless you, Padz!

The Things I DiD LaST SummeR

finally, finally as in finally went to the sand bar in Negros with my family and had a mini Tantengco Reunion. We drove all the way to Bais for the weekend and just simply enjoyed a simple time with my simple family and had the BESt time ever!

And so that was my summer.. now that it has officially ended, I can't wait for summer again but for now, I'd like to savor some cool and refreshing moments with the rain.. :)
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
This is just a re post of Max Soliven's column based on a personal experience of a true Filipino... More than enough reasons why he is worthy to be a SENATOR and that you should vote for him like I would... so READ on
A Filipino of faith
BY THE WAY By Max V. Soliven
The Philippine Star 12-19-2005
We keep on paying lip service to the catchword, “Faith in the Filipino.” In this Christmas season of hope – and also sadness – this faith and confidence in ourselves too often falls short of being justified.
However, here’s one story which I must tell.
This incident took place last Thursday in the late afternoon. I was rushing home in my car, an X-5, from my last meeting in Makati – already far behind schedule, since my next appointment, after a change of clothes, was in Malacanang. My vehicle broke down in
the mounting rush-hour traffic on the Paseo de Roxas, not far from the corner of Buendia. There I was, frantically trying to hail a cab in vain while the avenue was crawled alongside, almost gridlocked. My desperation must have been all over my face. I had
fruitlessly attempted calling my Stargate office on Ayala Avenue, then my associates and friends nearby. I needed a car badly to rescue me from the corner where I had been stranded. But nobody could be contacted.
Then a white Chevrolet Ventura pulled up to the curb. The young man at the wheel leaned over, his window rolled down, and asked: “Can I help you, sir?”
I blurted out, “Yes, my car over there broke down. I must get home in a hurry! Can you bring me somewhere where I can find a taxicab?”
The fellow smiled and said: “Hop in, Sir I will drive you home.”
I scrambled aboard, thankful to the kind stranger, and God – and for my good fortune. In retrospect, I wonder why it had never occurred to me he might be an armed hold-up man. I guess it was the disarming nature of his smile, his earnest approach. Yet now could anyone be so generous as to stop in the middle of traffic, then offer a total stranger a ride all the way to his home? He hadn’t even asked how far away I lived; he’d made the offer without hesitation.
When we were underway, I asked to shake his hand and asked for his name, “My name is Alex,” he simply said. “I’m Max,” I replied, then fished in my pocket and offered him my card. He peered at it, then exclaimed: “Wow. It’s an honor! I read you every day!”
“Now. Alex, you owe me your card in return.” I said.
Stopped at a light, he took out his wallet, got one and politely handed it to me. It read: Alexander L. Lacson, above which was his firm’s title: “Malcolm Law”, underneath that, “A Professional Partnership.” By golly, I had been rescued by a lawyer.
There you are. Somehow, when faith in the Filipino wavers, a Filipino comes along to restore your faith. Restore it? So surprise you with his kindness and generosity. This is an experience – and a shining gesture – I’ll never forget. * * *
I finally told Alex I was headed for Greenhills. He grinned. “By coincidence, since I’m taking you there, my destination happens to lie not far away – I’m headed for Wack-Wack subdivision to give a talk at a Christmas party.”
“Why?” I exclaimed. “In addition to being a lawyer, are you also a preacher?”
He smiled even more merrily and explained that he had written a little book. It was on the car seat beside him, and I picked it up. It was entitled: “12 Little Things Every Filipino Can Do to Help Our Country.”
Alex had his little volume (108 pages) published earlier this year by the Alay Pinoy Publishing House in Quezon City, and it had sold out in its first printing within three weeks. The second and third printings were about to sell out, too.
No, he wasn’t selling it through any bookshop, the biggest book shop (unnamed here) wanted too big a portion of its possible earnings, but I told them I wanted the proceeds to go to a scholarship foundation for the needy.”
So, Lacson has been selling his book out of his office and out of his home.
The dedication of the slim tome reveals his sincerity. It says: “To my Creator, who has blessed me with so much, and to my Country, which yearns for love from its people.”
As we drove up EDSA, Alex said: “I read your mother’s book, `A Woman So Valiant,’ too, and I loved it!”
Can you beat that?
My mama had written that book of hers in longhand, on yellow pad paper not long before she died at the age of 81 on October 16, 1990, and belatedly, we had published it last year. Astoundingly, it had been a runaway bestseller, without publicity, and had sold
out in the National Bookstores.
My sister, Mrs. Mercy S. David messaged me when she arrived from New York that the Japanese were now planning to transcribe the autobiography into Japanese and publish it in Tokyo, as a chronicle of what happened to a Filipino family in the war years (and during Japanese military occupation). The proposed Japanese title, “A Valiant Mother and Her Nine Children.”
But that’s another story, far removed from today’s inspiring tale about Alex Lacson’s Christian spirit and generosity. One thing Alex said demonstrated he had really read Mom’s book. He remarked that the thing he vividly remembered in Mama’s memoirs was that, in spite of our poverty, she had determined: “I don’t want my children to feel poor.” Thus, one of us or two of us in turn had been taken by her, on her meager earnings as a seamstress, to eat at a good restaurant. The “classy” restaurant of the time, Alex recalled
from its mention in mama’s book, was The Aristocrat. How lives intersect in this spinning world.
To get to the end of the “rescue” saga, Alex Lacson drove me to my home in Greenhills, and I noticed he never broke a traffic rule. I was tempted, in my selfish agitation to get home and get my tuxedo for the State dinner in the Palace, then dash over to
Malacanang, to cut corners, such as push into the opposite lane when stuck not far from the Buchanan Gate, in order to sneak into the Gate. But Lacson calmly awaited his turn in traffic. Obey the law and obey the rules were obviously the bedrock of his “12 Things” credo.
In any event, getting to Malacanang in the end was only the bonus. Meeting someone like Alex Lacson was the real miracle. * * *
Alexander Ledesma Lacson, it turned out, modest as he was in bearing, was a graduate of the University of the Philippines College of Law, 1996, and took up graduate studies at the Harvard Law School in Cambridge, Mass. (Good old Harvard Yard, by gosh). His
wife, Pia Pena – it turned out even more amazingly – is the daughter of an old friend, Teddy Pena from Palawan! She, too, is a lawyer – U.P. 1993 – a legal counsel for Citibank. They established a foundation together to help underprivileged children through school, and are now subsidizing 27 young scholars in different public schools in Alex’s native Negros Occidental.
The reason Alex had been headed for Wack-Wack was the fact that the officers and employees of a company named Resins Inc., after buying 1,000 copies of his book had invited him to give the “homily” at their Christmas party. This was not a small group ? the
company had 600 employees, waiting for his “word” that night.
Alex, it struck me from our conversation, is an eloquent and devout Catholic. He believes God must have destined our people for some great role; why, in all history, he reasoned, were we Filipinos the “only Christian nation in Asia?” One thing is certain: He and his wife Pia practice their Christianity – and live it.
Four years ago, he and his wife had a serious discussion about migrating to the US or Canada because the Philippines, as a country appeared hopeless since things only got worse year after year. They wanted to know if their children (they have three, one boy and two girls) would be better off staying in our country or abroad in the next 20 years.
Pia and Alex had asked themselves the question: “Is there hope for the Philippines to progress in the next 20 years?”
They reasoned: If the answer is Yes, then they would stay. If it was No, they would leave and relocate abroad while they were still young and energetic. There were long discussions. One day, the realization, Alex recalls, struck them: the answer to that question was in themselves. The country would improve, Pia and Alex finally understood, if they and every other Filipino did something about it. Leaving the Philippines was not the solution. As Lacson put it in his book: “The answer is in us as a people; that hope is in us as a people.” * * *
When I read the book afterwards, I discovered that many important people had endorsed it.
But these encomiums are not needed. Alex laughed when I quipped that he must be one of the wealthy Lacsons from Negros Occidental, like my classmates and schoolmates in the Ateneo. He cheerfully, and proudly, said that he was “a poor Lacson.” His mother, he
pointed out, had been a public school teacher in Cabangcalan.
No, he’s not poor – his richness are in his friends, and in the heart.
Here are, in outline, his 12 commandments:
1) Follow traffic rules. Follow the law.
2) Whenever you buy or pay for anything, always ask for an official receipt.
3) Don’t buy smuggled goods. Buy local. Buy Filipino.
(Or, if you read the book, he suggests: 50-50).
4) When you talk to others, especially foreigners speak positively about us and our country.
5) Respect your traffic officer, policeman and soldier.
6) Do not litter. Dispose your garbage properly. Segregate. Recycle. Conserve.
7) Support your church.
8.) During elections, do your solemn duty.
9) Pay your employees well.
10) Pay your taxes.
11) Adopt a scholar or a poor child.
12) Be a good parent. Teach your kids to follow the law and love our country.
These are the 12 things every Filipino can do to help our country. At first blush, they seem simple. When you study them more closely, they are difficult to do. But all of us, together can do them.
12 Little Things website – click here.